Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Fall 2011 Knitting Mags - Part TWO

Here's another report on Fall 2011 Knitting Magazines.  So many plus size patterns this time, that I had to break it all up into several posts! :)

Let's start this time with two patterns for MEN! 

From the magazine called "Australian Knitting" Vol 3/No 2 (Winter)
Australian Knitting

The "Man's V-Neck Jumper" fits up to a 53 inch chest. Cool!
(Sorry - didn't get a photo of that one)

And in "KNIT" Issue 41 - Oct 2011

The "Sherwood Jumper" fits a 53 inch chest as well.
Sherwood Jumper
Interesting cables, and a nice neckline as well!

In that same magazine (KNIT), you'll find a ladies "Oceania Skirt", which fits up to a 53" hip.

Oceania Skirt

Next, are three plus size jacket patterns from Interweave Knits (Fall 2011):


The Solstice Jacket fits up to a 53" chest.  Very pretty!

Solstice Jacket

The Honeycomb Jacket goes up to 52"

Honeycomb Jacket

The Angel Fire Jacket goes to 52"
(plus one quarter of an inch....What is that - two stitches? Ha!)

Angel Fire Jacket

Knitscene (Fall 2011)

Knitscene Fall 2011

has the Bernhardt Cardigan, which goes to 52 inches.

Bernhardt Cardi

Stay tuned for the next report, which will include size 3X and chest sizes up to 51 inches.

Thank you for your patience with my report this time.  I've been going through some crazy things at home, so I'm not my usual chipper self.

Talk soon!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Fall 2011 Knitting Mags - Part ONE

OK, I know I'm let's get this show on the road.  I need to post my report on Plus Size Knitting Patterns from Fall 2011 magazines while they are still on the shelf!!  ACK!

I'm gonna start off by showing the largest patterns I found, after my 4 hour magazine perusal.

In my last report, I congratulated Interweave Knits and Knitting Today for their patterns which fit up to a 59 inch chest!  You can read about that here:

Time to show you the REST of the winners!

Sandra Knit Trends - No. 3
Sandra Knit Trends
This issue contains a knitting pattern for a Striped Slipstitch Tunic, which goes up to size 26/28.  (Keep in mind that this is German sizing)

Isn't it pretty?   Now, I'm thinking that the slip stitches might make the fabric draw in a bit, so the project will DEFINITELY require a good sized gauge swatch.
Striped Slipstitch Tunic

Our next big size winner is
Knitscene (Fall 2011)
Knitscene Fall 2011

In that issue, you'll find the Charlemont Cardigan - fits up to a 57" chest!

Charlemont Cardigan

Interweave Knits (Fall 2011) wins again with a large sized men's cardigan.  Yay!
The Canyon Cardigan fits up to a 56 1/2" chest!

Canyon Cardigan

And here are FIVE patterns from Knitscene (Fall 2011), that fit up to a 54" chest.  Nice!

The Pinstripe Pullover

Pinstripe Pullover

Cooke Cardigan

Cooke Cardigan

Morrison Cardigan

Morrison Cardi

Cornsilk Pullover

Cornsilk Pullover

and Lowry Pullover

Lowry Pullover

There!  That will give you a few patterns and magazines to drool over for a while. :)

Stay tuned for the next report, which will contain patterns I found that fit up to a 53" chest.  There's even a skirt that will fit up to a 53" hip!

Talk soon, my friends.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Fall 2011 Knitting Magazines

Okay, as promised, I am taking myself to my local Barnes & Noble every few months, to look through all the knitting magazines, take notes, and snap a few shots of the plus size knitting patterns I find.

This month was wild! I could not BELIEVE how many knitting magazines I found!
EIGHTEEN of them!

It took two trips for me to carry the stacks of magazines from the shelves to the Starbucks counter in the middle of the bookstore. Fall 2011 Knitting Magazines

With so many magazines to view, I knew I'd better settle down in a comfy spot and get a tasty beverage. So, I ordered a large hot tea. I think it was called "African Autumn". Anyway, it was a very yummy flavor, especially with some no calorie sweetener and a squeeze of honey. :)

My trip to the bookstore lasted a VERY LONG TIME this trip. It took over FOUR HOURS to look through all the magazines. I ended up taking over 140 photographs!! And my one cup of hot tea was not enough to get through the entire session. By the third hour, I was ordering a large coffee, and buying a "healthy" snack bar and a banana.

Beverage and Snack

It was a very long day, but I'm SO glad I did it. I found 84 plus size knitting patterns this time!
O M G !!!!!! Can you believe it?

Finally, the knitting pattern designers and publishers are making a good effort at providing patterns for us. But, they still need to do a little more work. Most of the patterns I found only go up to size 2X. That's okay, but doesn't fill the need for all of us. I think that they should provide designs all the way up to size 5X.

I was so happy with two particular designs, so they get the award for:
(in a magazine), FALL 2011
We are ECSTATIC to see knitting patterns that include sizes up to a 59 inch chest!!! :D

This design is called "His and Her Rollnecks", and can be found in the "Knitting Today" Oct/Nov 2011 issue. (Ravelry Link)

His & Her Rollnecks

Apparently, they are proud of the design as well, since it's featured on their cover.

Knitting Today

Next is "Cardiff Coat", found in the Fall 2011 issue of "Interweave Knits".  (Ravelry Link)

Cardiff Coat

Once again - this design is featured on the cover. :)


In contrast to those fine accolades, I am sad to report that there are still knitting designers and publishers who refuse to believe that plus size people are worthy to wear their designs.
BOO!!! :(

So, our THUMBS DOWN RASPBERRY goes to the following:
Debbie Bliss, Verena, and Filati 
What's the deal with you guys?
Don't you realize that you are cutting yourselves off from most knitters?

I cannot believe that I wasted my time looking through those particular issues. I wanted to throw them in the trash!! But alas, Barnes & Noble might have been upset with me for doing that. So, I just took them back to the shelf, and made a few derogatory comments as I was placing them with the others. Luckily a few knitters were looking at mags, and heard my comments. ;)

As I mentioned before, I found 84 plus size knitting patterns this time. So, I've decided to do things a little differently with this month's post. Instead of one long post, I'm going to break up the posts into SIZE categories. I will start with the largest size patterns, then move on to the smaller ones.

So, stay tuned for the "rest of the story". (those of us who are older than 35 know who used to say that.)

Monday, June 27, 2011

Summer 2011 Knitting Magazines

Once again, I took a trip to Barnes & Noble to look through all the latest knitting magazines. I think I'll make this a seasonal thing, 4 times a year.

This time, I ended up with a stack of FIFTEEN magazines! Wow! Barnes and Noble sure does have a nice selection of knitting mags. :)

15 Knitting Mags

After gathering together all these magazines, I went to the Starbucks counter and ordered a Venti Nonfat Mocha, so I could relax while perusing the knitting patterns. I finished my beverage LONG before I finished my work, though.

Of course, with so many magazines, you KNOW that I found a lot of plus-size knitting patterns. In fact, there were so many pretty new patterns that I was wishing I had enough money to buy all the magazines and take them home! But, I had to live within my budget, only buying one of them. (Knitter's Magazine 102, Spring 2011) Ravelry Link I couldn't pass this one up, because it was PACKED with gorgeous designs.

There was one knitting pattern that stood far above the rest, so it deserves special recognition.
The "Banstead Pullover"
in Interweave Knits (Summer 2011) Banstead Pullover

That design earns the Summer 2011
(in a magazine), because it includes directions up to a 66" chest!!

WOO HOO!! Now, we're talkin!

FINALLY, a nice knitting pattern for plus size women that LOOKS GOOD on our frame.

So, let's get started with the rest of my report. I'll begin with the Knitter's Magazine issue I purchased, since I just ADORE their patterns this time.  (Yes, I wear size 2X - 3X)

Knitter's Magazine K102 - Spring 2011

My favorite pattern is "Shells & String" - a lovely dress/tunic, that goes up to size 2X. I'm really wanting to make this, to wear over leggings with sandals.
Shells & String

The next pattern I want to make is "Asterisk" - a sweet top, with asterisk embroidery details - This one also goes up to size 2X

"Weathered Sandstone" also looks nice - again, goes up to size 2X
Weathered Sandstone

There are many more plus-size patterns in this issue, so here goes:

"Triangle Windows" vest - up to size 2X
Triangle Windows

"Jungle Breeze" - up to size 2X
Jungle Breeze

"Blended Stripes" - up to size 2X
Blended Stripes

"Nautical Notes" - up to size 2X
Nautical Notes

"Beaded Blue" - up to size 2X
Beaded Blue

"Angles in Lime" - up to size 2X
Angles in Lime

"Redrocks" - up to size 2X

There were some other patterns that also went to size 2X, but my photos didn't turn out well enough to blog them. They are "Nefer TeeTee", "Arches", and "Boyfriend Blues". I was pleased to also find a size 3X pattern! - "Basketweave Blue".

This issue of "Knitter's" also had some patterns that went up to size 1X, so I'll post them here:

"Tuxedo Stripes"
Tuxedo Stripes



Sonoma Front

Sonoma Back

"Kiwi Squares"
Kiwi Squares

"Ribs & Waves"
Ribs & Waves

Can you see why I bought that magazine? So many plus-size patterns! I really like Knitter's magazine, because their patterns are easy to follow. In fact, I used one of their patterns to make my very first sweater in 2006!
Finished Handknit Saguaro Top!

Okay, enough plugging for that magazine. Let's move onto the REST of the mags in the stack. If you want to stick around and read the whole article, you'd better go make your favorite beverage or snack. This is gonna take a while. :D

In fact, I think I'll go make my breakfast real quick. Be right back!
(insert elevator music here)

I're wondering what I'm having for breakfast. Bacon, Eggs, Potato Rolls, Coffee, Orange Juice. I'm a good eater! Which makes me plus-sized. But, at least I'm happy! :)

Okay, enough about food. Back to knitting!

My next favorite issue this trip is "Vogue Knitting" Early Fall 2011.
This is SUPPOSED to be a report on SUMMER knitting magazines, but HEY, the magazine was THERE....ON THE SHELF! So, I'm gonna report on it. ;)

Take a look at this first beautiful design, and you'll know why I included it. Modestly titled, "Boatneck Top", it is sized up to 2X. I think it should be called "Waves of Heaven" or something. GORGEOUS!
Boatneck Top

The "Tapered Pullover" looks comfy, and I bet it's easy to knit. Goes to size 2X
Tapered Pullover

And here are the rest of the plus-size patterns in Vogue Knitting:

"Boucle Vest" - up to size 3X
Boucle Vest

"Cable Rib Jacket" - up to 54"
Cable Rib Jacket

"Cabled Poncho" - up to size 2X
Cabled Poncho

"Striped Tunic" - up to size 2X
Striped Tunic

"Long Vest" - up to size 2X
Long Vest

A couple more patterns were plus-size too, but again, my photos didn't turn out well. They were "Scoop Neck Top" and "Drop Shoulder Top" - both go up to size 3X. This issue also contains some capelet patterns - most of them include plus-size instructions.

Okay, let's get back to Summer again, with the "Knitting Today!" June/July 2011 issue. I found two patterns that go to up size 3X, so here they are:

"Beachy Coverup"
Beachy Coverup

"Boatneck Sweater"
Boatneck Sweater

Next up is "For the Love of Knitting" Summer 2011, which has 4 patterns that go up to size 2X:

"Gypsy Lee Cardigan"
Gypsy Lee Cardigan

"Riana Pullover"
Riana Pullover

"Grape V-neck Cardigan"
Grape Vneck Cardi

"Zig Zag Pullover"
Zig Zag Pullover

Creative Knitting - July 2011 has 9 plus-size patterns this time:

"White Caps Cardigan" goes up to size 4X!
White Caps Cardigan

"Ruffles & Ripples" is LOVELY, and goes up to size 3X. :)
Ruffles & Ripples

The rest of the plus-size patterns in Creative Knitting go up to size 2X:

"Deep Sea Blues"
Deep Sea Blues

"Crosscurrents Tank"
Crosscurrents Tank

"Corio Bay Tunic"
Corio Bay Tunic

"Coast to Coast Top"
Coast to Coast Top

"Pebble Beach"
Pebble Beach

"Coral Seas"
Coral Seas

"Breezy Shores"
Breezy Shores

Now, on to "Knit 'n Style" August 2011

Only one pattern went up to size 3X: "The Unisex Tapestry Yoke Sweater"
Unisex Tapestry Yoke Sweater

The rest go up to size 2X

"Patchwork Coat"
Patchwork Coat

"Fraulein Zipper Vest"
Fraulein Zipper Vest

"Simple Cardi"
Simple Cardi

"Chevron Lace Pullover"
Chevron Lace Pullover

"Winter Primrose"
Winter Primrose

"Asymmetrical Pullover"
Asymetrical Pullover

My photo didn't turn out well for the "Mushishi Textured Wrap".

There is ONE design for plus-size men, but it only goes to size 2X:
"Argyle & Cable Pullover"
Argyle & Cable Pullover

Time for the cool "Knitscene" Summer 2011!

The largest sized design this time (up to 57") is the "Rayleigh Tee", a sailor top that is so cute!

The "Genesee Cardi" goes to 54"
Genesee Cardi

The "Mountour Falls Cardi" goes to 52 1/2"
Mountour Falls Cardi

"Radian Yoke Pullover" goes to 52 1/4"
Radian Yoke Pullover

"Seneca Shrug" goes to 51 1/2"
Seneca Shrug

"Windsor Cardi" goes to 51 1/4"
Windsor Cardi

Time for Interweave Knits! The Summer 2011 issue has several nice plus-size patterns, including the "Banstead Pullover" which goes up to 66"!
Banstead Pullover

The "Mission Cardi" goes up to 55 1/2"
Mission Cardi

"Pebble & Reed Tunic" goes to 52"
Pebble & Reed Tunic

The "Swirl Skirt" fits up to size 52" hips
Swirl Skirt

"Adriatic Cardigan" goes to 51 3/4"
Adriatic Cardigan

"Torch Lily Tee" up to 51 3/4"
Torch Lily Tee

"Coral Cardigan" up to 51"
Coral Cardigan

"Greenhouse Tank" up to 51"
Greenhouse Tank

"Dockside Cardi" up to 50"
Dockside Cardi

"Nantucket Vest" up to 50"
Nantucket Vest

The "Camp Smock" will stretch to 50"
Camp Smock

And speaking of Interweave Knits, here are the plus-size patterns I found in the latest Interweave Knits Weekend 2011.

I just love the "Peashoot Pullover", which goes to 57 3/4"
Pea Shoot Pullover

Plus-sized men get TWO patterns in this issue. "His Favorite Crewneck" which goes to 57 3/4". (Is it your favorite?)
His Favorite Crewneck

and "Veddy Vest" which goes to 54"
Veddy Vest

The "Spoked Cardigan" goes to 54 1/4"
Spoked Cardigan

"Jasper Skirt" fits hips up to 54"
Jasper Skirt

"Riot Yoke Pullover" goes to 51 3/4"
Riot Yoke Pullover

This time, I have some plus-sized patterns from across the pond as well.

Knitting June 2011 #90 (UK)

"Hellebore" is a pretty, patterned shrug that goes up to 50"

"Arabella" goes to 54", but my photo didn't turn out.

And "Eddy" is a basic cardigan that goes up to 50"
(I think you guys should wear the "Eddy" cardigan over the "Veddy Vest", so you could call it your "Eddy Veddy Set". Ha!)

Knit Magazine #37 (UK)

"Drop Stitch Sweater" goes to 53"
Drop Stitch Sweater

"Stephanie Tee" goes to 52"
Stephanie Tee

"Sunshine Top" up to 50"
Sunshine Top

"Cameo Tank" up to 50"
Cameo tank

"Kelly Tee" up to 50"
Kelly Tee

"Silhouette Sweater" up to XXL
Silhouette Sweater

And that is the end of my report!
WHEW! What a lot of plus-sized patterns this time! :D

And now, it's time for me to take a LONG nap. See you all next time!